Estimated number of days you will receive your order after placing it on the website. This time includes processing and in-transit time for your order.

Starts when your order has been shipped and does not include standard processing time of up to 4 business days. Business days do not include Sundays, or SL Holidays.

Orders must equal or exceed the amount shown after all discounts and coupons have been applied to qualify for the promotion.

What Shipping Options does Belldi Fashion offer?

Domestic: We only offer Standard Shipping

What will be the delivery charge?

Customer should pay 300 LKR as courier charge. This is a fixed amount for all delivery destination within SL.

What information I should provide to deliver my order?

You should provide followings

  • Name
  • Address
  • Town/City
  • Dress code / Size
  • Contact number

What payment methods do you support?

We support cash on delivery, Bank Deposit and online card payment.

(Note: if you have selected COD method does not facilitate to the card payment)

How long will it take my order to process for shipment?

All orders are subject to processing time that is separate and apart from the time it takes for a shipment to reach its destination once it has been picked up from our fulfillment center by the applicable carrier. Depending on a number of factors, may take up to 4 business days (excluding Saturdays, Sundays, and Holidays) to process.

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